Can hypnosis effectively lower your blood pressure?

blood pressure

Millions and millions of people have stress in their daily lives. How would you like to lower stress, learning breathing techniques, visualize a better future, and lower your blood pressure? I know I do, because I used to take blood pressure medication and stress was not helping it. It is good to also consult with your doctor or a medical professional on what is better for high blood pressure.


Among other things, I started using hypnosis for high blood pressure and I started seeing the results and even stopped taking medication. I know that this is possible if you are on medication or not or just want to lower your blood pressure, lower stress, and have strategies that you can use every day to feel more healthy and whole.


There are results of many studies showing hypnosis for blood pressure is effective in the short term and also in the middle and long term. The reason it is effective, going up to the middle and long terms is that the relaxation techniques and self-hypnosis for high blood pressure guide you to continue to have benefits way beyond the initial issue.


It is shown that hypertension levels have been reduced with muscular relaxation which is used in hypnosis for high pressure. It can be completed eliminated too when consistently using hypnosis.


So how can you do this?


We have a whole hypnosis session for high blood pressure on YouTube if you would like to listen and I want to share and explain the strategies here.


Here is what some others have commented on YouTube about hypnosis for high blood pressure:


“I needed this. After the first time listening, I feel refreshed and relaxed”

“I started listening and before I knew it I didn’t even realize it started working already”

“After the first use, my bp dropped 30 points. Thank you for this”


Here are the Strategies


During the hypnosis induction, it’s beneficial to relax your whole body and use a muscle relaxation technique because this gives you specific skills that you can use in the future.


A relaxing suggestion like this during the hypnosis for high blood pressure does just that:

“Now imagine and focus on the muscles of your face and forehead and how relaxed they are and you can say to yourself so you can create this sensation from within that my forehead is cool and relaxed, my forehead is cool and relaxed, I am calm, I am calm and my forehead is cool and relaxed and I am calm, that’s right you are doing excellent!”


With hypnosis, you focus and are more aware so creating sensations with your words and mind connects it to how you want your body to feel.


You can then move down the body and relax a different part so you achieve total relaxation:

“As the muscles of the face and forehead are completely relaxed you can take a big deep breath and move to the chest, where you store the love for yourself and where you are in tune to so many things. You can say to yourself as you relax more and more that your heart is calm and steady, my heart is calm and steady and my heart is calm and steady…”


This really relaxes your body and now you want to relax your mind and mentally relax, don’t you? So that is why in hypnosis numbers are used because your unconscious mind is symbolic and is aware of them easily.

“In a moment I am going to count down from 10 and with each number, you are going to drift and dream and double your relaxation.

10 relaxing more and more your relaxation doubles and doubles and your mind is so calm and so relaxed

9 you have a sensation of easiness flowing through your whole body as your relaxation doubles

8 you have a feeling of wonderful harmony relaxing and relaxing”


This is a deepener and it is common to count down from ten to zero and use suggestions, guided imagery, visualization, and any keywords to achieve total relaxation.


In many medical conditions or for pain management it is shown that visualization helps reduce them. So during the hypnosis for high blood pressure session visualization is suggested. You are already creating pictures in your mind and relaxation and hypnosis guide you to make more compelling and creative ones.


You create four different visualizations:

  1. A movie theater with a 3D movie where you grab the blood pressure numbers and toss them back until the numbers are optimal for you
  2. A bike tire inflating then deflating for the perfect blood pressure and feeling for you
  3. A hose with a kink and getting the kink out so water is flowing
  4. And blood flowing through you in the most healthy, safest, and most sustainable way throughout your entire body


To create and imagine the visualizations and experience the hypnosis for high blood pressure session go to Hypnosis for High Blood Pressure


Some suggestions and affirmations:

“I am a healthy person because I am in complete control of my blood pressure.

I am an expert at having my blood pressure be perfect for me because I allow this to happen and I want this to happen.

I sustain the best blood pressure for me and I have an active and healthy mind and body.

I am attuned to my blood pressure level because I know that my body is connected to my mind.”


So how do you think you will benefit and how can you use any of these strategies in the future. I’d love to know what you think.


If you’re looking to achieve more with hypnosis you have come to the right place. Send us an email and we can set up a strategy call.


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