What are hypnosis deepeners – what do they achieve

fractionation hypnosis deepeners

What if there were easy and natural ways to feel good instantly? Do you think this would be useful for you? There are many ways to do this with hypnosis. You can go from things like procrastination to motivation. You can feel things like confidence and having many options instead of feeling sadness. Achieving this can be as simple as answering the question what are hypnosis deepeners.


You can achieve many things if you learn about deepeners because going into hypnosis is about learning to do it. People often ask what it feels like and the truth is hypnosis is different for everyone because it is what you create. How about we take a look at the results you can get if you learn to set aside time for yourself and focus on the resources you have inside of yourself to achieve.


The benefits of hypnosis deepeners 


While doing hypnosis there is not any state that is better than another. The level of trance can be different for everyone who achieves many things and gains new insights and understanding while doing hypnosis. There are different benefits of going deeper into trance. A few of these reasons are:


  • Effectiveness of post-hypnotic suggestions
  • Connect with inner resources and empowering states
  • Imagining things that you have never even dreamed of


The first one is beneficial because this allows the hypnosis session to continue well after the session is over. When doing a hypnosis deepener the idea is to get into a medium or deep level of trance. While a person is in this level of trance a post-hypnotic suggestion is more effective.


A post-hypnotic suggestion is a way to suggest something will happen after the session is over. You suggest the client will see, hear, feel, taste or smell something in the future and suggest they will be successful.


Let’s say I am working with a client and they want to have more confidence. I can say, anytime in the future you get out of bed and your feet touch the floor this will remind you to have more confidence. Maybe a client wants to make more money. You can say something similar to, when you see the color green this will remind you that you more than deserve to make lots of money.


These suggestions go into the client’s unconscious mind because of the deepener and allow the client to have success long after the session is over. This is why when people ask how long does hypnosis last? The answer is as long as you want it to last.



benefits of hypnosis deepeners


A few examples 


There are many ways to deepen the level of trance during hypnosis. Some of the ways are with number counting, fractionation, and visualization. I’ll give an example of each so it is easy for you.


An example of number counting:


In front of you is a block of numbers  from one to ten that are stacked on top of each other. With each breath a number will fall off and with each number your relaxation will double. One falls off and you relax more. (Continue suggestions with each number)


The idea with fractionation is the more you go in and out of trance the deeper you will go. An example is the snooze button. When you wake up, press the snooze button and go back to sleep you wake up more tired. Here is an example of fractionation:


As you relax more I will tell you in a moment to open your eyes as I count from 1 to 3. So, one, two three open your eyes. Now three, two, one close your eyes and deepen your relaxation. (Repeat a few times)


Another way is with visualization.


Imagine you are walking in a relaxing place and there are five circles in front of you. This is a place you create. Step into the first circle and as you do, you become deeper relaxed. (Suggest this for each of the five circles)


Hypnosis deepeners are easy and only take a few minutes. Let me know what one is your favorite.


What do hypnosis deepeners achieve 


Hypnosis deepeners allow you to achieve things that you never dreamed of before. This is because you access the unconscious mind where you access thing such as creativity, learning, resources and much more. A person already has all of the resources inside of them to achieve. Over time they accepted different beliefs or access different emotions that don’t connect them to these resources.


We are born limitless and over time we accepted some limiting beliefs that have us focusing on what we don’t want. Instead of this you can use hypnosis deepeners to access limitless states so you consistently get predictable results.


If you want to do a hypnosis session or become a certified hypnotist, then fill out the contact form. Why leave success up to chance when you can use hypnosis deepeners to get predictable results.


Want more ways to enjoy hypnosis deepeners? Check out my book The Transformative Power of Suggestion. It is available on Kindle and paperback and has a whole chapter on ways to do hypnosis deepeners.