Post-hypnotic suggestion – success after hypnosis

post hypnotic suggestion examples

What if there was a easier way to feel good at any time or have more success without having to consciously think about it? Would this be useful for you? During hypnosis there are many suggestions that empower you. There is a type of suggestion that is designed to have a lasting effect. This is the post-hypnotic suggestion and let’s see what it is all about. 


I remember listening to a hypnosis course online and the instructor said a suggestion similar to, every time you see your favorite color in the future this will remind you to be more confident. Now, instead of confident you can put anything in the suggestion you want. This is a post-hypnotic suggestion.


Let’s see exactly what this type of suggestion is and how you can use it to create predictable results. There is no point in leaving success up to chance when instead you can use suggestions to get predictable results.


What is a post-hypnotic suggestion


This is a suggestion that I will tell a client while they are doing hypnosis, the suggestion has the design so the client carries out the suggestion after hypnosis. Often times, this suggestion happens because of a particular cue.


The client most likely does not consciously know they are carrying out the suggestion. This means no conscious thought is necessary because the suggestion is in the unconscious mind. A client will act in a way that is compelling to the result they desire.


Before explaining how to put together a post-hypnotic suggestion there are a few things that you need. The first thing, is they are most effective when the client is in a medium to deep level of trance. This is necessary because in this level of trance the client is using their unconscious mind.


The second thing, is to guide a client to this level of trance you want to use a good hypnosis induction and deepener. For more details on hypnotic inductions and hypnosis deepeners you can read these articles



These blogs show you easy ways to use inductions and deepeners and explain different benefits. Now that you know some things you need, you can find out how.



post hypnotic suggestion for confidence


How to create a post-hypnotic suggestion 


You only need a few things to create an effect post-hypnotic suggestion. You already know that a medium or deep level of trance is necessary. This is easily achievable with a induction and deepener. I like to put the post-hypnotic suggestion towards the end of the suggestive script because at this point the client is in a medium or deep level of trance.


The other thing that is good to know is what result is the client wanting to achieve along with a cue that will be beneficial for them. For example, if a client wants to feel more joy, then the post-hypnotic suggestion can point them to joy. If the client wants to build better relationships, then the post-hypnotic suggestion should be about building better relationships. The cue can be anything. Here are some things I usually use as cues:


  • When their feet hit the floor after getting out of bed
  • Common household item (twisting a door knob)
  • Room they are in (if doing session online)
  • Favorite color


These are only common examples of cues. You can use anything that is important to the client. The important thing is for the cue to have meaning to the client.


Here are some examples


Now let’s look at some examples of how to build effective post-hypnotic suggestions. Here is one to achieve joy and using a cue of feet hitting the floor.


When you get out of bed in the morning and your feet hit the floor, this will remind you that this day will fill you with so much joy.


An example of building better relationships with a door know cue.


Every time you turn a door knob, this reminds you that you easily build better relationships that benefit you personally and professionally.


Example for making money with a cue of the room they are in.


When you enter this room you are in, know that you can make money effortlessly every day.


Achieving confidence with a favorite color.


Any time you wear your favorite color, it will have you feeling unlimited amounts of confidence.


These are examples. Now it’s your turn. Think about what you want to achieve and what cue will make it easy to achieve this.


Want to learn more about using post-hypnotic suggestions and much more about hypnosis? Fill out the contact form and let’s chat.


For easy ways to do hypnosis like the pros, see my book Pro Hypnosis Scripts. It is available on Kindle and paperback. Reach out to me when it is convenient for you to chat about hypnosis.